Smishing is a portmanteau of “SMS” (short message services, better known as texting) and “phishing.” When cybercriminals conduct “smishing,” they send fraudulent SMS that seek to trick the recipient into opening a malware-laden attachment or clicking on a malicious link.
“Some cell phone users have started receiving SMS messages along these lines: ‘We’re confirming you’ve signed up for our dating service. You will be charged $2/day unless you cancel your order: www.smishinglink.com.’ (This is an example and was not a real url at the time of writing)
How to recognize and detect a Smishing attack
A Smishing SMS is simply a text message with ill intent. But did you know that hackers are actually using manipulation tactics to increase the likelihood of a successful Smishing attack? Social engineering is a type of manipulation with the end goal of getting unsuspecting victims to give up confidential information. When it comes to Smishing, cybercriminals are typically after bank information, passwords, or social security numbers. They may also be trying to secretly install malicious software onto a victim’s device. If you received a smishing text message today, would you know what to look for?
Smishing texts may include:
Smishing examples

Here are some cybersecurity tips to protect yourself: